Viewing as a travel consultant

Lost & Found Magazine

Your Guide to the Globe

For anyone who’s broke, injured, Velcroed to the couch, lacking inspiration, or just plain bored, a shortlist of the most interesting webcams streaming live around the world right now. Because why get off your arse and travel when you can just look down at your phone and witness the infinite glory the earth has to offer.

Rumoured to be the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya Crossing is more than just a crossroad, it’s the perfect symbol of modern day Japan; a place where harmony is shown to exist within the chaos of humanity. File this cam under “oddly peaceful.”

Yellowstone National Park – the world’s very first nature reserve – is different to your regular wilderness, because it has over 300 geysers that regularly erupt, jetting hot steam and water high into the sky. Old Faithful isn’t the largest geyser in the park, but it does blow more frequently than any of the others, which makes for good viewing. File this cam under “vaguely erotic.”

Old Faithful isn’t the largest geyser in the park, but it does blow more frequently than any of the others, which makes for good viewing. File this cam under “vaguely erotic.”

Only 536 people have ever spent time orbiting the planet, but now you can have the pleasure too (almost) just by logging onto this live stream from NASA. Captured from the International Space Station, which circles the earth on the edge of space, see if you can spot your little patch of dirt. File this cam under “addictively hypnotic.”

Feel like doing some hunting? Then tune into this never-ending broadcast and see if you can spot the famous Loch Ness Monster! Perfectly positioned, looking across the legendary lake (or “loch” in the local dialect) in the Scottish Highlands, they say if you stare long enough you’ll eventually get a glimpse of Nessy. And if not, at least you’ve looked at some pretty scenery for a while, which they also say is good for your mental health. File this cam under “delightful hoax.”

Image: Don’t let the ruins of Urquhart Castle, on Loch Ness, distract you from the serious business of monster spotting.


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