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The Hot Tip for Tipping

The hot tip on tipping
Tipping isn’t that commonplace in Australia – it’s mostly only reserved for premium service or dishing out life advice to Dougy the Pizza guy. But, the further and wider you travel, the more likely you are to encounter a world of different tipping etiquette. As a result, it can be hard knowing who to tip and when.

To give you a helping hand, here are our tips for your, err… tips!

Tipping on tours
Tipping is common practice when touring, often tour guides arrange for tips to be collected at the start of a trip. This takes out the daily exchange of tipping your guides and drivers. This way, the whole trip is sorted at the start and you can just sit back, relax and enjoy.

Where do the tips go?
You are usually paying for the services of the guides and drivers, as the standard wages in their country may not be fully covered by the cost of the trip. By tipping, you are making sure these hard-working people are receiving an adequate wage.

Be prepared
Generally speaking, you can tell when tour tips are needed and how it is expected to be paid before your travel. A little preparation can go a long way to making things more enjoyable. TripADeal often works with tour guides to allow tips to be paid in AUD and break down tip amounts into regions, this information is found in the important information section of each deal.

A small tip makes a big difference!

Cruise Tipping & Compulsory Gratuities
Many cruise lines do not include their crew’s wages in the cost of the cruise, this stems from the American tipping culture and is the nautical norm. Crew work long hours and are often at sea for long stretches, sending the bulk of their wages home. The cruise line will factor this into your onboard account and it can be paid in bulk on disembarkation.

Restaurant tipping
This is best broken down into different regions, as each area has unique standards:

North America: Expected amount is 15% at the bare minimum. $1 per drink at the bar.
United Kingdom: Much like Australia, if you receive great service, 10% is appreciated.
Europe: Check the menu, sometimes the tip is included. If not, expect to pay about 10%.
Asia: Tipping isn’t expected. But due to low wages, 10% helps more than it hurts.
South America: Due to proximity to the US and low wages, 10-15% is expected at restaurants.
Africa: They won’t expect it, but a 10% tip will change their day and yours!

General Tipping
Sometimes when travelling, you can find yourself in a situation where someone offers to take your bags or help you walk up some steps. You can be fairly certain they want a tip for this assistance. If you don’t need assistance, feel free to say no – with a smile, of course – and refuse to let them assist. They won’t be offended and you won’t have to pay.



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