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Byron Bay is the place where you’re meant to cheer up, slow down and chill out. It says so on a big sign as you drive into town. It’s not where the fastest growing business in Australia is meant to be based, but that’s what happened with TripADeal. We chat with Richard Johnston, one of our founders, about growth, life lessons, and the role Byron’s played along the way.

TripADeal was recently named fastest growing business in Australia by the Financial Review for the second year in a row. What’s driving that growth?
I think we’ve really found a sweet spot in the travel market where value and quality are not mutually exclusive.

What’s been the biggest changes in the business since you started? And what’s one thing that hasn’t changed?
The biggest change would be the scale of everything we do now. In the beginning, it was just Norm (Black) and myself. Nowadays, we need upward of 90 staff to create, analyse, publish, market, sell and fulfil our amazing travel offers. The thing that hasn’t changed is the entrepreneurial spirit that permeates the place.

Can you give us a personal and professional lesson you’ve learnt along the way?
I’ve learnt so much about leading a large organization and in the process I’ve realised that I have a long way to go. Managing people is a real skill. Being attentive to people’s needs without telling them how to do their job – it’s a fine line. On a personal level, I’ve learnt to take each day as it comes and not look too far down the road because you’ll never be able to predict where you might end up.

I think we’ve really found a sweet spot in the travel market where value and quality are not mutually exclusive

Where was the last place you took a holiday?
Greece, earlier this year, and I loved it. Taking three kids under five presented its own challenges, but by and large it was an epic adventure. My wife and I were enchanted with the Greek way of life – the relaxed pace, amazing scenery, great food, and general good vibes of the people.

How has being in Byron Bay influenced TripADeal?
Byron is an iconic “brand” in the travel world and it’s definitely helped add some cache to our image. I don’t know how many times I’ve been talking to someone on the phone and told them our office is in Byron Bay, and they’ve proceeded to wax lyrical about how much they love the place. Our image sort of mirrors the town’s, which is relaxed and authentic.

What do you tell people when they see a deal and say, “It’s too good to be true, what’s the catch?”
At first glance, I often think the same thing. How do we get two people to China for 10 days with all hotels, accommodation, entrance fees, and flights included? The answer lies in the excellent relationships we have with our operators and their singular objective to deliver value for money in everything they do. Of course, we also get great discounts on both flights and hotels through the sheer volume of our business; savings which we’re more than happy to pass on to our customers.

Looking at the TripADeal website today, what trip would you choose and why?
I just had a look and was taken by the Antarctic Expedition trip. I’ve never been to Antarctica – who has? – and would love to experience the unspoilt beauty of the place. It also takes in Patagonia and Argentina, which are bucket list destinations for me. Having travelled a lot over the years, it’s the places I’ve yet to explore that excite me most.

Image: Richard and the family stepping it up in Greece.



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