Viewing as a travel consultant

Lost & Found Magazine

Your Guide to the Globe

Cameraman Pete Rogers wasn’t long out of film school, when he learnt the hard way that some industry clichés happen to be true.

“I was shooting a scene in New Zealand with some kids and a sheep,” he says, with a straight face. “It was going pretty smooth, but then one of the kids spewed in my camera bag, and the sheep chewed through a microphone cable. No kidding. So of course some smart arse said, ‘Well, you know what they say?’ ”

Whether it’s wrangling toddlers, scuba diving in a shark cage, or hanging out of a helicopter, what would seem like a crazy experience to most people has become a regular workday for Rogers. He’s spent the last couple of years travelling the world, producing video content for some of the biggest brands in the travel industry, and a few breweries too. It’s a dream job, but just like any other, there are pros and cons.

what would seem like a crazy experience to most people has become a regular workday for Rogers.

“A shoot day is usually from sunup to sundown,” says Rogers, when asked about the toughest part of the gig. “So if you’re on a long trip it can really wear you down. Recently, I did a two-week shoot from Broome to Darwin, in 40-degree heat, and I was totally ruined by the end. On the flip side, whenever I get a moment to stand back and enjoy a view, I always appreciate how cool it is that I’ve been paid to travel somewhere amazing.”

Ultimately though, Rogers says the biggest hurdle isn’t logistical, it’s working out how to cut through and connect with people, when attention spans are shrinking so quickly.

“It’s really unbelievable how short that span is getting on the web,” he says. “There are so many videos now, so unless you’re showing someone something that’s truly engaging they’ll simply move onto the next video. I think the key to holding an audience online is simply showing them something real, and something that has a point of difference to the thousands of other videos that are one click away.”


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