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Lost & Found Magazine

Your Guide to the Globe

Have a sketchy trip

The benefits of packing a sketchbook instead of a camera phone.

The importance of getting homesick

Despite what you might think, missing home is a good thing.

Tasting the Stars In France

Champagne is more than a nice way to get tipsy at a wedding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Practical travel advice on tipping, singles fees, and jabs for China.

A taste of Italy

Two authentic recipes that'll send your taste buds on a European vacation.

The entire world now streaming live!

Like to watch? Good. The most interesting webcams streaming from Japan to Scotland.

How to complain

A guide to grumbling, and getting what you want, without being a jerk.

Boomers on tour!

Every predictable and embarrassing thing travellers in their 60s will do.

The Big Five

The most famous animals in Africa and where to spot them.

The Gods and Goddesses of Travel

Where to send your prayers in exchange for a nice holiday.

How to save money and travel more

Easy, extreme and unexpected tips to boost your bank balance.

Circle Work

The latest in airport design aims to send travellers around the bend.